Enrollment in Tutor Charlotte Inc. Program I Deep Mathematics
Tutor Charlotte Program I Deep Mathematics covers General Mathematics, Pre-algebra, Geometry, and English Grammar with Reading Comprehension and Composition for 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders. Intensive Online Tutoring Available 5 Days a Week for $170.00 Per Month! The student gets 24 hours to 26 hours of Academic Instruction per month in our online classrooms with four 1 on 1 thirty minute online tutoring sessions per week following the North Carolina Curriculum Guide for mathematics, Geometry, and English grammar.
Professor: Dr. Kevin L. Powell, Mathematician and Physicist
Email: kevin@tutorincharlotte.com
Phone: 704-719-0956
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. No phone calls will be accepted when online tutoring is being done with the exception of in-person tutoring.
New students must complete the application above. New students are on a 30 day probationary period. New students who do not fulfill the requirements of Tutor Charlotte Inc. will be dropped from subsidized academic tutoring on the 31st day.
Current students are required to submit a new application at the beginning of every semester. Current students will be evaluated every 90 days as to whether the student is effectively utilizing the Tutor Charlotte Programs, effectively attending tutoring sessions, and completing academic work designed to improve their academics.
The parent and or student must verbally speak with the master tutor before signing up your student in a Tutor Charlotte Program. You must verbally speak with the master tutor before changing your program to another program and making payment.
Failure to notify the master tutor of a change in your choice of programs will not always result in acceptance in another program and may result in a refund of your payment if it has been made.
Your student must have access to the internet, speakers on their computer, and a working printer to printout academic work before signing up for a Tutor Charlotte Program.
Tutor Charlotte has a limited number of available student slots in any given month and can not have more than 85 students enrolled in Tutor Charlotte. There are only 85 available student slots available for subsidized academic tutoring and supplemental education in this program in total throughout the year.
New students are accepted only on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, and the first tutoring session is a 60 minute 1 on 1 online tutoring session at a cost of $26.06 to be completed either on a Friday, Saturday, and or Sunday by appointment only online. The parent is required to stay online with the student for a minimum of 30 minutes online and complete all forms online.
New and current students in grades 6-12 must complete Geometry and Set Theory and Logic based on a set academic schedule.
Choose One or Two Subjects for $170.00 per month:
Math I (Algebra I and Geometry)
Saxon Algebra I-students complete 1 lesson per day until the textbook is finished.
Glencoe Algebra I ©2011-students are lectured only on the chapters they are being tested on in school and assigned academic practice to pass their next quiz, test, and or exam.
Glencoe Geometry ©2011-students are lectured only on the chapters they are being tested on in school and assigned academic practice to pass their next quiz, test, and or exam.
In addition, Dr. Kevin L. Powell will enhance the student’s mathematics skills by re-teaching all concepts of mathematics regardless of grade level.
Pre-Algebra for 7th, and 8th Graders Curriculum
Holt: Prealgebra-students are lectured only on the chapters they are being tested on in school and assigned academic practice to pass their next quiz, test, and or exam. The parent must purchase the textbook from Tutor Charlotte if necessary.
Saxon Math Course 3-students complete 1-3 lessons per day until the textbook is finished.
Glencoe Mathematical Concepts and Applications-students are lectured only on the chapters they are being tested on in school and assigned academic practice to pass their next quiz, test, and or exam. The parent must purchase the textbook from Tutor Charlotte.
General Mathematics for students in Grades 4, 5, and 6.
Glencoe Mathematical Concepts and Applications-students are lectured only on the chapters they are being tested on in school and assigned academic practice to pass their next quiz, test, and or exam. The parent must purchase the textbook from Tutor Charlotte.
Saxon Math Course 1 and 5/4-students complete 1-3 lessons per day until the textbook is finished.
Reading Comprehension, Critical Reading, and Thinking Techniques-Thinking Mathematically by Blitzer-The master tutor Dr. Kevin L. Powell will teach your student logical thinking. One section must be completed every four weeks for Grades 6-12.
Set Theory
Chapter 2 Section 1 Basic Set Concepts
Chapter 2 Section 2 Subsets
Chapter 2 Section 3 Venn Diagrams and Set Operations
Chapter 2 Section 4 Set Operations and Venn Diagrams with Three Sets
Chapter 3 Section 1 Statements, Negations, and Quantified Statements
Chapter 3 Section 2 Compound Statements and Connectives
Chapter 3 Section 3 Truth Tables for Negation, Conjunction, and Disjunction
Chapter 3 Section 4 Truth Tables for the Conditional and Bi-conditional
Chapter 3 Section 5 Equivalent Statements, Variations of Conditional Statements, and De Morgan's Law
Chapter 3 Section 6 Arguments and Truths Tables
Program I Deep Mathematics Description: What you are paying for?
The student receives the following:
Four 1 on 1 online tutoring sessions per week.
Access to the Auditorium Classroom Monday through Thursday 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. for lecture in mathematics and English grammar.
Access to the Blue Classroom for academic follow-up, and more lectures on the weekends 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday for English Grammar
The student will be assigned comprehensive practice work related to their current school work to master the skills and study habits needed to pass their next quiz, test, or exam. Parents may choose for their students to opt out of all academic work.
It is assumed the student will study and complete all practice work assigned by the professor master tutor in order to do well on their next quiz, test, or exam, and address their individual academic issues. Parents may choose for their students to opt out of all academic work.
Your student will be taught and tutored using highly recommended textbooks.
Your student will be tested and continuously assessed as to the material learned and covered by the master tutor and or their teacher.
We contact the student's teacher biweekly if necessary.
No contracts or obligations. You pay month-to-month and can end academic services anytime with no further obligations.
The student is required to purchase a textbook in the subject being tutored if necessary.
Access to the Tutor Charlotte website.
Teaching the student time management skills:
Note Taking Skills
Test Theory
Study Habits
No Refunds! There is absolutely no refund once academic tutoring and supplemental education has begun. The No Refund Policy Form must be completed, signed, and returned to the office of Tutor Charlotte email before online academic tutoring will begin.
In addition, the Student Academic Permission Form and the Application for Subsidized Tutoring Form must be completed and filed with Tutor Charlotte's master tutor before academic online tutoring may begin along with the student's user name and password to PowerSchool if applicable.
Program I Details
A student will be assisted with their regular public and or private school homework, quizzes, tests, and exam preparation in the program paid for during online tutoring hours (Monday through Thursday 2:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. depending on the program you choose) through internet online communications and or cell phone using the Tutor Charlotte Website and AdobeConnect. The student and or parent are responsible for making their own appointment requests and the duration of any 1 on 1 online tutoring appointments are minimum 5 minutes to a maximum of 60 minutes per session based on the sole discretion and approval of Tutor Charlotte, The Michigan Administration, and its master tutor Dr. Kevin L. Powell.
Academic tutoring will be defined as one or any of the following during an online tutoring session or while the student is an active student in Tutor Charlotte:
Academic tutoring will include interpretation of homework assignments, checking homework for accuracy, evaluating homework with the intention of offering advice to improve the quality of the required responses to the school assignment, and assistance in preparation for quizzes, tests, and exams in the selected subjected be tutored.
The master tutor will design, explain, and give practice quizzes, exams, and tests to the student by publishing the practice quizzes, exams, and tests on the Tutor Charlotte www.tutorincharlotte.com website, or by sending emailed homework, practice quizzes, and practice tests to the student and or parent’s email address.
The master tutor will develop homework, practice quizzes, practice exams, and practice tests that will help the student improve, understand, and acquire the knowledge necessary to master a subject or be prepared for a quiz, test, and or exam.
The master tutor will assist the student in preparation for school quizzes, exams, and tests by providing relevant study guides, online personal one on one tutoring, online classroom tutoring, counseling, advice to the student, and act as an advocacy for the student with the student’s school and teacher(s).
Academic tutoring will at times be given in a group classroom if necessary instead of one on one online tutoring when the subject matter or concept is universal to more than one student’s needs.
(Note: Each and or any of these methods constitute academic tutoring and will be selected by the master tutor based on what the student needs or requests or what is available during tutoring hours.)
Permanent and Temporary Termination of Academic Tutoring and Supplemental Education
Tutor Charlotte reserves the right to cancel and or discontinue academic tutoring and supplemental education to a student for any of the following reasons:
Verbal abuse of the master tutor online tutoring will result in permanent termination of academic tutoring and supplemental education.
Verbal abuse of another Tutor Charlotte student during online tutoring will result in permanent termination of academic services and educational services.
A student's refusal and or failure to comply and perform to the academic and behavior standards of Tutor Charlotte as directed by the master tutor can and will result in the student being permanently or temporarily dropped from the subsidized academic tutoring program and supplemental education program.
Nonpayment of the monthly academic fees and any other assessed fees for academic tutoring and supplemental education on the payment due date will result in temporary termination of all academic services and supplemental education.
A student repeatedly missing approved online tutoring sessions will be dropped from their program.
A student's and or parent's refusal to complete a mandatory invitation to tutoring can result in the student being dropped from their academic program.
The student has been absent from Tutor Charlotte for a period of 14 days or more will be dropped from their program and a student on the waiting list will be enrolled. You must request a 14 day hold on your student's account if you know your student is not going to do tutoring for a period of 14 days or more.
If you wish to sign up for low cost high quality subsidized academic tutoring and supplemental education and a student slot is not available, you will be put on a waiting list. We will call you when there is an opening.