Updated 2/2/2025 - Tutor Charlotte Policies, Practices, Guidelines, and Rules:

No Refunds!

  • There is absolutely no refund once academic tutoring and supplemental education has begun online or after the parent and or student is emailed the passwords to the Tutor Charlotte website.

  • The No Refund Policy Form must be completed, signed, and returned to the office of Tutor Charlotte Inc. by fax, email, mail, or delivered in-person before online or in-person academic tutoring will begin.

  • Payments

  • Payments made by debit or credit card are secure through PayPal. No debit or credit card information is kept by Tutor Charlotte Inc, its owner, Dr. Kevin L. Powell, or the Michigan Administration Inc. 

  • A receipt for payment will be sent to the payee by email within 48 hours of payment. The invoice sent to the payee is also considered a receipt once proof of payment is received by Tutor Charlotte Inc. or the master tutor through Paypal.

Payment Policies

  • All academic programs are "Pay-as-go" month to month. This means there is no obligation to continue academic tutoring and there is no contract to sign.

  • The 30 day period for all academic programs begins with the first online or in-person tutoring session and payment will be due 30 days from the first online session. Example: Your student starts academic tutoring on October 3rd. Therefore, your next payment is due November 3rd.

  • After the first month of tutoring, you will receive your next "Sales Invoice" for academic tutoring services to continue for another month. We try to send you the "Sales Invoice" 1-7 days before the due date. Payment is due within 24 hours after the due date. Failure to pay within 24 hours after the due date will result in the expiration of the password to the Tutor Charlotte website. All academic tutoring will then end and any scheduled appointments will be immediately cancelled.

  • In Programs I, II, III, IV, and V, the online hours DO NOT ROLLOVER TO THE NEXT payment period. You must use all the hours you paid for within the 30 day payment cycle or the hours will be lost.

  • Appointment Request Policy

    (Updated August 31, 2023)

    1. You must make your appointment requests 24 hours in advance of the appointment or before midnight for an appointment the next day.

    2. No appointment requests will be approved if not made 24 hours in advance or before midnight for an appointment the next day.

    3. New appointment requests for the week beginning every Monday must be made after 8:00 p.m. Sunday.

    4. Any appointment requests for the new week made before 8:00 p.m. Sunday will not be accepted.

    5. Please review the schedule before you make appointment requests.

    6. If you do not make appointment requests by 11:00 a.m. on Mondays, the master tutor will put you on the schedule based on the prior week’s schedule.

    7. The new schedule is published on Mondays between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. The master tutor will email and text the schedule to the student and or parent each Monday.

    8. Check the schedule first! It will be updated throughout the week as new appointment requests come in.

    9. You may have only one tutoring session per 24 hours with the exception for the "Blue Classrooms."

    10. There is no tutoring on public Federal holidays.

    11. Appointment requests for online tutoring are on a first come first served basis, but are also given based on the difficulty of the subject matter, the student's previous willingness to do Tutor Charlotte homework, study habits, and academic needs. When making your appointment requests, it is a request. This does not mean you are on the schedule for academic tutoring. You are requesting the master tutor give time to the student.

    12. Online one on one tutoring time is allotted based on our formula which calculates the amount of academic work done by the student, academic needs, and availability on the schedule.

    13. Academic work can the required of the student as a prerequisite for an appointment request approval. If academic work is required, then the student must complete the academic work in order for the appointment request to be approved.

    14. If a parent or student request a time already taking by another student, it is the sole discretion of the master tutor to decide if he or she will give academic instruction to more than one student at the same time. In most cases, the master tutor will either reject the appointment request, move the appointment request to the next available slot on the schedule, or accept the appointment request.

    Online Appointment Policy

    (Updated August 31, 2023)

    1. Online tutoring sessions can be as little 5 minutes up to 120 minutes per session and the duration of the tutoring session is at the sole discretion of the master tutor.

    2. Online tutoring is Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. starting Sunday, August 27, 2023, based on the Charlotte Mecklenburg School Calendar.

    3. The maximum number of one on one online tutoring sessions given to a student in a 30-day period depends on the program and the curriculum chosen by the parent for the student, and the financial funds available to Tutor Charlotte each quarter.

    4. Academic work is required to receive the one on one online tutoring purchased in Programs I, II, III, and IV.

      • Program I students receive 4 thirty minute online tutoring sessions per month.

      • Program II students receive 4 thirty minute online tutoring sessions per month.

      • Program III students receive 6 thirty minute online tutoring sessions per month.

      • Program IV students receive 6 thirty minute online tutoring sessions per month.

    5. The master tutor will call the student for his or her online appointment within three minutes of the published appointment time when the student makes an appointment request, and the appointment request is approved and published.

    6. If the master tutor does not call you within three minutes of your online appointment time or you fail to answer the phone call for any reason, call the master tutor no more than 7 minutes after your appointment time.

    7. Your tutoring session is considered a missed session 7 minutes after your appointment time if you do not call the master tutor for your online appointment or appear in the classroom.

    8. If the master tutor misses a tutoring session or if Tutor Charlotte is closed due to technical problems, internet or website being down, Tutor Charlotte will make up the tutoring session by moving the due date for the next invoice on the student’s account allowing the student to re-capture a missed tutoring session.

    9. If the master tutor puts a student on the schedule without an appointment request, the master tutor cannot call the student for the appointment. But the master tutor may email the proposed schedule to the student and or parent.

    10. A minimum of 2 hours per week (two 30-minute tutoring sessions) in online tutoring must be completed by every student unless there is an exemption for these reasons:

      • The student has 95% or better in the subject being tutored.

      • The parent specifically expresses an exemption for a week by email by 7:00 a.m. Monday.

Mandatory Invitation to Tutoring Policy

  • Tutor Charlotte and the master tutor, Dr. Kevin L. Powell, emphasizes academic discipline as one of the means to academic success. Academic discipline will always result in a student's grades drastically improving within 30-60 days of tutoring.

  • The master tutor will issue to your student a mandatory or optional 3 to 6-hour invitation to tutoring to be completed by the student on either a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and or Sunday when one or any of these conditions apply:

    • The student demonstrates poor behavior in school during school hours or during online academic tutoring.

    • The student demonstrates consistent poor academic performance in school or during online tutoring for a period of more than three weeks after the first 30 days of tutoring.

    • The student needs extra academic help to pass their next quiz, test, or exam in school.

    • The student has a grade of less than 85% (Optional Invitation to Tutoring) or a grade less than a "C" (Mandatory Invitation to Tutoring) in a core subject being tutored after the first 30 days of tutoring.

    • The student is consistently refusing to complete practice work assigned or designed by the master tutor to pass their next quiz, test, or exam.

    • The student is consistently not making appointment requests for 1 on 1 online tutoring.

    • The student has consistently not completed the assigned academic work given by the master tutor on their web page or sent to their email or parent's email.

    • No online academic tutoring sessions will be approved until the mandatory invitation to tutoring is complete.

    • "Mandatory" means the student must complete the requirements of the invitation to tutoring to remain in the Tutor Charlotte Program.

    • "Optional" means the parent and or student may accept or reject the invitation to tutoring.

    • The parent will decide the duration of each invitation to tutoring, and the student may come late and leave early, but a minimum of 3 hours must be done.

    • The times for weekday invitations Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday:

      • 2:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

    • The times for weekday invitations Friday:

      • 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

    • The times for weekend invitations Saturday and Sunday:

      • 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Permanent and Temporary Termination of Academic Tutoring and Supplemental Education

  • Tutor Charlotte reserves the right to cancel and or discontinue academic tutoring and supplemental education to a student for any of the following reasons:

    • Verbal or physical abuse of the master tutor online tutoring will result in permanent termination of academic tutoring and supplemental education.

    • Verbal or physical abuse of another Tutor Charlotte student online tutoring will result in permanent termination of academic services and educational services.

    • A student's refusal and or failure to comply and perform to the academic and behavior standards of Tutor Charlotte as directed by the master tutor can will result in the student being permanently or temporarily dropped from the subsidized academic tutoring program and supplemental education program.

    • Nonpayment of the monthly academic fees and any other assessed fees for academic tutoring and supplemental education on the payment due date will result in temporary termination of all academic services and supplemental education.

    • A student repeatedly missing approved online tutoring sessions will be dropped from their program.

    • A student's and or parent's refusal to complete a mandatory invitation to tutoring will result in the student being dropped from their academic program when their tutoring expires.

    • The student has been absent from Tutor Charlotte for a period of 14 days or more will be dropped from their program and a student on the waiting list will be enrolled. You must request a 14 day hold on your student's account if you know your student is not going to do tutoring for a period of 14 days or more.