Permanent and Temporary Termination of Academic Tutoring and Supplemental Education

  • Tutor Charlotte reserves the right to cancel and or discontinue academic tutoring and supplemental education to a student for any of the following reasons:

    • Verbal or physical abuse of the master tutor online will result in permanent termination of academic tutoring and supplemental education.

    • Verbal or physical abuse of another Tutor Charlotte student online will result in permanent termination of academic services and educational services.

    • A student's refusal and or failure to comply and perform to the academic and behavior standards of Tutor Charlotte as directed by the master tutor can and will result in the student being permanently or temporarily dropped from the subsidized academic tutoring program and supplemental education program.

    • Nonpayment of the monthly academic fees and any other assessed fees for academic tutoring and supplemental education on the payment due date will result in temporary termination of all academic services and supplemental education.

    • A student repeatedly missing approved online tutoring sessions will be dropped from their program.

    • The student has been absent from Tutor Charlotte for a period of 21 days or more will be dropped from their program and a student on the waiting list will be enrolled. You must request a 14 day hold on your student's account if you know your student is not going to do academic tutoring for a period of 14 days or more.