Mandatory or Optional Invitation to Tutoring Policy

  • Tutor Charlotte and the master tutor, Dr. Kevin L. Powell, emphasizes academic discipline as one of the means to academic success. Academic discipline will always result in a student's grades drastically improving within 30-60 days of tutoring.

  • The master tutor will issue to your student a mandatory or optional 2 to 3-hour invitation to tutoring to be completed by the student on either a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and or Sunday when one or any of these conditions apply:

    • The student demonstrates poor behavior in school during school hours or during online or in-person academic tutoring.

    • The student demonstrates consistent poor academic performance in school or during online tutoring for a period of more than three weeks after the first 30 days of tutoring.

    • The student needs extra academic help to pass their next quiz, test, or exam in school.

    • The student has refused to be in the "Auditorium Classroom" twice a week as instructed and agreed to in the student application.

    • The student has missing assignments in the core subjects on PowerSchool being tutored in their academic program.

    • The student has a grade of less than 95% (Optional Invitation to Tutoring) or a grade less than a "C" (Mandatory Invitation to Tutoring) in a core subject being tutored after the first 30 days of tutoring.

    • The student is consistently refusing to complete practice work assigned or designed by the master tutor to pass their next quiz, test, or exam.

    • The student is consistently not making appointment requests for 1 on 1 online tutoring or in-person tutoring.

    • The student has consistently not completed the assigned academic work given by the master tutor on their web page or sent to their email or parent's email.

    • "Mandatory" means the student must complete the requirements of the invitation to tutoring to remain in the Tutor Charlotte Program.

    • "Optional" means the parent and or student may accept or reject the invitation to tutoring.

    • The cost of each mandatory or optional "Invitation to Tutoring" is $10.91 which must be paid online under any "Academic Program" on the Tutor Charlotte Website.

    • The parent will decide the duration of each invitation to tutoring, and the student may come late and leave early, but a minimum of 1 hour must be done.

    • The times for weekday invitations Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are as follows:

      • 2:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

    • The times for weekend invitations Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are as follows:

      • 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.