Tutor Charlotte is a high quality low cost affordable tutoring service providing intensive academic help to students in grades 3-12 in mathematics, science, history, and English language arts. Tutor Charlotte does more than the traditional school curriculums. We offer each student a personalized pathway to academic success based on your student’s level of understanding and learning pace. Tutor Charlotte can provide your student with a solid foundation in math, language arts, science, and history.

Why every student should have an affordable academic tutor to help them achieve academic success!

Tutor Charlotte can provide your student with a solid foundation of the math.

We continue teaching the skill until the student is confident and independent, then move on to the next. This process sets the stage for excellence as the student progresses through their math instruction.

Tutor Charlotte is a high quality low cost affordable tutoring service providing intensive academic help to students in grades 3-12 in mathematics, science, history, and English language arts.

Increasing Math Fluency

Why Extra Learning Is Needed in Addition to School Curriculum

Eye Level goes beyond traditional school curriculums, offering customized programs to cater to each child's unique level of understanding and learning pace. We empower students with a strong foundation and confidence.

Our math tutors in Charlotte
strive to increase your child’s computation skills and understanding of math concepts. This, in turn, boosts overall school performance and confidence. We create personalized tutoring plans that are unique for your child because each child has their path to understanding mathematics.

Our tutors start with an assessment to see where your child is and need additional instruction and practice. We then build a spiral tutoring program that builds on existing knowledge to increase confidence and proficiency.

Tutoring for Advanced Students

Sometimes students come to us for tutoring because they do not understand a concept. Sometimes they come because they are looking to learn advanced concepts. Our Charlotte math tutors can help both types of students.

High school students preparing for exit exams, ACT and SAT testing, and college placement exams can work with one of our tutors to get a solid handle on these mathematical processes. Because we customize our reading and math tutoring programs to each student’s needs, we can help even excellent students achieve even more outstanding results.

If your child needs math tutoring in Charlotte and you want a structured, personalized, spiral approach, reach out to Swan Learning Center. Let us help build confidence and fluency in math, so your child can succeed in the classroom and beyond. 

Develop Your Child’s Reading Skills with Swan Learning Center

At Swan Learning Center in Charlotte, we believe that strong reading skills are the foundation of lifelong learning and success. Our Reading Programs are designed to meet students at their current level and help them grow into confident, proficient readers. Whether your child is just beginning to read, needs help developing comprehension skills, or is ready for advanced enrichment, we offer personalized programs tailored to their unique needs.

With expert guidance, targeted instruction, and a love for learning, we help students master reading skills that open doors to academic and personal success.

Reading Programs for Every Level

We assess each student with a comprehensive set of diagnostic tests to identify their current reading level and specific areas that need attention.

Based on the results, we recommend one of our three specialized programs, each designed to support and challenge readers at every stage of development:

Emergent Reading Program

For students transitioning into early reading, this program focuses on strengthening fluency, expanding their word base, and introducing basic comprehension skills.

Key features include:

  • Building phonetic and decoding skills.

  • Expanding sight word recognition for faster, more accurate reading.

  • Introducing comprehension strategies to help students understand and enjoy what they read.